Toyota Corolla

1992-1998 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota Corolla
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. Engines
   - 3.1. Petrol engines
      + 3.1.1. Repair work without dismantle of the engine from the car
      - 3.1.2. Dismantle and capital repairs Specifications Diagnostics of the engine by means of a vakuumer Check of a compression in engine cylinders
         + Dismantle of the power unit - methods and safety measures Alternatives of capital repairs of the engine Order of dismantling of the engine Head of the block of cylinders Repair of valves Shatunno-porshnevaya group Dismantle of the crankshaft Block of cylinders Honningovaniye of cylinders Cranked shaft Radical and shatunny bearings Engine assembly order Piston rings Installation of a cranked shaft and check of gaps of radical bearings Back epiploon Installation of shatunno-piston group Start-up of the engine after repair and a running in
   + 3.2. Diesel engine
   + 3.3. Electric equipment of the engine
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating
+ 5. Fuel, exhaust systems
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. Coupling and half shafts
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment Dismantle of the crankshaft



The crankshaft can be removed only after removal of the engine from the car. At the description it is supposed that the conducted cam-shaft gear wheel, a tube of the index of level of oil, the oil pump and pistons assembled with rods are already removed from the engine a flywheel (or the leading disk of the hydrotransformer). Before dismantling the crankshaft, it is necessary to remove the holder of a back epiploon.

1. Before dismantle of a cranked shaft check an axial side play. Install the indicator so that his leg was parallel to an axis of a cranked shaft and concerned one of his cheeks.
2. Displace a cranked shaft towards back part of the engine, having made the maximum effort, and in this situation establish an indicator scale on zero. Then push a cranked shaft towards forward part of the engine and consider indications of the indicator. The size of an axial side play is equal to distance on which the shaft moved. If the axial side play exceeds standard value, check wear of persistent surfaces of the crankshaft. If wear insignificant, a side play has to be compensated by installation of new persistent half rings.
3. In the absence of an indicator head it is possible to measure a side play by means of a set of probes. Carefully displace the crankshaft towards forward part of the engine. Lay the probe between a cheek of the crankshaft and a surface of the 3rd (persistent) radical bearing and measure an axial side play.
4. Check marking on covers of radical bearings which has to correspond to number of the cylinder. Usually covers are numbered beginning from forward part of the engine. If marking is absent, put tags with a core. Release each of bolts of covers of radical bearings on 1/4 turns at one time, in sequence, return specified (see rice. Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of covers of radical bearings) until bolts do not begin to turn away by hand.
5. In easy blows of a hammer through a soft pro-rate get moving forward covers of radical bearings and remove them from the engine. If necessary it is possible to insert bolts of fastening into covers and to work with them as levers. Do not allow loss of the radical bearing if it remains in a cover.
6. Carefully get a cranked shaft from the block of cylinders. It is recommended to do it together with the second person, as a shaft quite heavy. Establish covers of radical bearings together with bearings on the block of cylinders in a former order, tighten bolts by hand.