Toyota Corolla + 1. Maintenance instruction + 2. Maintenance + 3. Engines - 4. Cooling systems, heating 4.1. Specifications 4.2. Antifreeze 4.3. Thermostat 4.4. Fan and relay of turning on of the fan 4.5. Radiator and broad tank 4.6. Pump of cooling liquid 4.7. Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid 4.8. Fan block 4.9. Heater radiator - 4.10. Control panel heater and conditioner 4.10.1. Central air 4.11. Vlagootodelitel of the conditioner 4.12. Compressor 4.13. Condenser 4.14. Evaporator and broad valve + 5. Fuel, exhaust systems + 6. System of decrease in toxicity + 7. Transmissions + 8. Coupling and half shafts + 9. Brake system + 10. Suspension bracket and steering + 11. Body + 12. Electric equipment
Scheme of check of short circuit of contacts of the switch of speed of rotation of the fan
The switch is in the situation "Low" – contacts 3 and 7 are closed In the situation "M1" – contacts 3, 7 and 8 are closed
In the situation "Sq.m" – contacts 3, 6 and 7 are closed In the situation "HI" – contacts 3, 7 and 8 are closed |
Removal and installation
1. Disconnect the battery from weight. |
2. Remove decorative overlays of average control panels (see subsection 11.21). |
3. Get heads of regulators. |
4. Unscrew fastening screws from the control panel face. Disconnect sockets. |
5. Give the panel on yourself a little. Turn tags (it is specified by an arrow) in places of fastening of covers of cables of management. Remove cables from the control panel. Disconnect sockets. |
6. Installation is carried out upside-down. |
7. Start the engine, check existence of leaks and work of systems of heating and conditioning (if is available). |
Adjustment of a cable of management
1. After fixing of cables on the control panel and after installation of the control panel it is necessary to adjust tension of cables. Transfer handles of management to the provisions RECIRC, COOL and DEF. |
2. For adjustment of a cable of control of the gate of an air inlet transfer a control lever the gate to the situation RECIRC (2). Fix an earring of a cable and a collar (1) cover of a cable in a place. |
3. For adjustment of a cable of control of the gate of the regulator of air temperature transfer the gate to the situation COOL (2). Fix an earring of a cable and a collar (1) cover of a cable in a place, slightly pulling a cover. |
4. For adjustment of a cable of control of the delitelny gate install the gate in the situation DEF (1). Fix an earring of a cable and a collar (2) covers of a cable. |