Toyota Corolla

1992-1998 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota Corolla
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating
- 5. Fuel, exhaust systems
   5.1. Specifications
   5.2. Order of performance of a decompression of fuel system
   5.3. Fuel pump and pressure of fuel
   5.4. Removal and installation of the fuel pump
   5.5. Fuel level sensor
   5.6. Fuel pipes and joints
   5.7. Fuel tank
   5.8. Cleaning and repair of a fuel tank
   5.9. Air filter
   5.10. Cable of the drive of a butterfly valve
   5.11. System of electronic injection of fuel (EFI - system)
   5.12. Check and replacement of EFI units - systems
   5.13. Service of an exhaust system
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. Coupling and half shafts
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

5.7. Fuel tank


Fuel tank and the accompanying details

1. Protective guard of an inlet fuel pipe
2. Mud-reflector
3. Tapes of fastening of a tank
4. Pipe of a jellied mouth
5. Laying
6. A stopper of a jellied mouth with laying
7. Cover and casing of a pipe of a jellied mouth
8. Lock of a stopper of a jellied mouth
9. Mouth hose
10. Filter
11. Average section of the muffler
12. Laying
13. The warmed-up oxygen sensor (only for engines 7A-FE)
14. Back heat-insulating guard
15. Fuel tank
16. Final tube of a fuel pipe
17. Hose of the return fuel pipe
18. Cover of a viewing opening of a body floor
19. Pillow of a back seat
20. Arrangement of shock-absorbing pillows of a fuel tank


1. Expediently to remove a fuel tank after its full devastation. On some cars the drain stopper is provided in a tank. In the absence of a drain stopper devastate a tank a trip with the subsequent operation of the engine idling, or merge gasoline through a hose with the rubber manual pump (is available on sale). A mouth not to suck away gasoline!
2. Turn off a stopper of a jellied mouth of a tank to remove residual pressure.
3. Disconnect the battery from weight.
4. If the tank is filled, merge gasoline in the capacity which is specially intended for gasoline.
5. Lift the car and establish on supports.
6. Before starting removing a tank study its design, configuration and fastening on the car (see rice. A fuel tank and the accompanying details.
7. Remove average section of the muffler and a heat-insulating guard from the car (see subsection 5.13).
8. Establish a floor support under a tank, having laid a board between a platform of a support and a tank not to damage a tank.
9. Disconnect tubes of giving and removal of fuel and a hose of a pipe of a jellied gorlrvina.


After a detachment muffle hoses and tubes to exclude dirt hit.

11. Turn off bolts of fixing tapes of a tank.
12. Lower a tank so that it was possible to disconnect the socket of conducting and the tire of grounding from the pump and the fuel level sensor (if wires and the tire are not disconnected any more).
13. Remove a tank.


The tank is established upside-down.