Toyota Corolla

1992-1998 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota Corolla
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
- 3. Engines
   + 3.1. Petrol engines
   - 3.2. Diesel engine
      3.2.1. Specifications
      3.2.2. Replacement of a gear belt
      3.2.3. Removal of a head of cylinders
      3.2.4. Dismantling of a head of cylinders
      3.2.5. Partition of a head of cylinders
      3.2.6. Assembly of a head of the block of cylinders
      3.2.7. Installation of a head of cylinders
      3.2.8. Check and adjustment of gaps of valves
      3.2.9. Check of a compression of cylinders
      3.2.10. Pistons and rods
      3.2.11. Measurement of cylinders
      3.2.12. Assembly of pistons and rods
      3.2.13. Installation of pistons and rods
      3.2.14. Cranked shaft and flywheel
      + 3.2.15. Cooling system
      - 3.2.16. Lubrication system Removal, partition and installation of the oil pump Oil filter Check of level of oil in the engine
      3.2.17. Device of injection of diesel fuel
      3.2.18. Operation of the car on diesel fuel
      3.2.19. Fuel filter
      3.2.20. Fuel pump of a high pressure
      3.2.21. Nozzles
      3.2.22. Glow plugs
      3.2.23. Adjustment of the mode of idling
      3.2.24. Adjustment of the maximum turns
      + 3.2.25. Useful tips to owners of the diesel engine
   + 3.3. Electric equipment of the engine
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating
+ 5. Fuel, exhaust systems
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. Coupling and half shafts
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment Removal, partition and installation of the oil pump


Assembly drawing of the oil pump

1. Driving gear wheel
2. Oil pump
3. Reducing valve
4. Spring
5. Sealing ring
6. Driving lead
7. The conducted lead
8. Epiploon
9. Stopper

1. For access to the pump it is necessary to take off the gear belt directing a roller and a cogwheel of a cranked shaft. Remove also the case pallet.
2. The oil pump is fixed on bolts on the forward party of the engine and is pressurized by a sealing ring. Bolts of fastening have various length.
3. The office of the oil pump from the inside of the krivoshipno-shatunny mechanism requires a plastic hammer.
4. Installation of the pump is made upside-down. Surely establish a new ring. Cover a pump housing surface with sealant which should not get to openings of bolts.
5. Put the pump and tighten the moment 18 N. of m eleven bolts together with a support of the generator of alternating current. Do not mix bolts in places. Do not damage an epiploon at installation.
6. If the oil receiver grid was removed, it should be tightened with new laying. Tighten nuts 7 N.' moment m, 13 N.' bolts of m.
6. Clear surfaces of the block of cylinders and the pallet of a case and install the pallet of a case the same as it was described in subsection
7. At first mark surfaces of the conducted lead and after that take out it from the case.
8. Clamp in a vice with soft metal laying a driving gear wheel and turn off a nut a cap key. Remove a gear wheel of the pump and pull out a lead.
9. From the lower party turn off a stopper and take out details of the reducing valve. Well clear all details and if it is necessary, replace. The epiploon in the case has to be replaced surely (carefully pull out a screw-driver). Check lack of hollows at lead tops. Leads it is obligatory to be replaced in a set.
10. Insert an external lead into an opening and measure the probe a gap between the outer side of an external lead and an opening of the pump. The gap should not exceed 0,2 mm. For the following check insert the probe between top of tooth of an external lead and top of tooth of an internal lead. The gap should not exceed 0,20 mm. Otherwise replace the oil pump and / or leads (in a set).
11. Impose a ruler on a surface of the case and measure the probe a gap between a ruler and leads. The gap should not exceed 0,20 mm. Otherwise replace the oil pump and / or leads (in a set).
12. Assembly of the oil pump is made upside-down. Insert an external lead noted surface outside. Insert an internal lead and put on a driving gear wheel of the pump a shaft of leads. Screw a nut and again clamp a driving gear wheel in a vice. Tighten a nut 47 N.' moment of m.
13. Fill in in a pump opening oil for preliminary greasing of leads. Insert details of the reducing valve and wrap a stopper. Grease the condensing sponges of an epiploon and hammer an epiploon into a pump housing aflush.