Toyota Corolla

1992-1998 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Toyota Corolla
+ 1. Maintenance instruction
+ 2. Maintenance
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling systems, heating
+ 5. Fuel, exhaust systems
- 6. System of decrease in toxicity
   6.1. Specifications
   6.2. Electronic control system
   6.3. Electronic control unit
   + 6.4. System of onboard diagnostics
   - 6.5. Sensors of system of automatic control of the engine
      6.5.1. Sensor of temperature of cooling liquid
      6.5.2. Sensor of concentration of oxygen
      6.5.3. Sensor of an angle of rotation of a butterfly valve (TPS sensor)
      6.5.4. The sensor of absolute pressure on the soaking-up collector (MAR-sensor)
      6.5.5. The air temperature sensor on the soaking-up collector (IAT sensor)
      6.5.6. Temperature sensor of system of recirculation (EGR sensor)
      6.5.7. Car speed sensor (VSS sensor)
      6.5.8. Detonation sensor
      6.5.9. Sensor of an angle of rotation of the crankshaft
   6.6. System of catching of vapors of gasoline
   6.7. System of recirculation (EGR system)
   6.8. System of compulsory ventilation of a case (PCV system)
   6.9. Catalytic converter
+ 7. Transmissions
+ 8. Coupling and half shafts
+ 9. Brake system
+ 10. Suspension bracket and steering
+ 11. Body
+ 12. Electric equipment

6.5. Sensors of system of automatic control of the engine


This section contains data on an arrangement and a procedure for test of the following sensors: the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid, the sensor of concentration of oxygen, the sensor of an angle of rotation of a butterfly valve, the sensor of absolute pressure on the soaking-up collector, the air temperature sensor on the soaking-up collector, the temperature sensor of system of recirculation, the car speed sensor, the detonation sensor, the sensor of an angle of rotation of the crankshaft. The fuel level sensor see in subsection 5.5. The induction sensor see in subsection 3.3.9.