Purpose of oil of the engine
Oil in the engine is intended for greasing of the rubbing details and decrease in temperature at friction. Oil plays an important role at maintenance of operability of the engine.
Oil consumption
The small consumption of oil in use of the serviceable engine is allowed. The raised oil consumption the engine is caused by the following reasons.
Oil provides greasing of pistons, piston rings and cylinders. Between the piston and the cylinder there is an oil film which the piston perceives at the movement down at a step of an admission or the working course.
When braking the engine creates depression because of which there is a suction of an oil film and oil on cylinder walls in cylinder volume, and further oil burns down at influence of the heated gases in the course of combustion.
Oil is also used for greasing of cores of inlet valves.
A quantity of oil is sucked in in the combustion chamber and burns down together with fuel.
High-temperature exhaust gases also burn up oil which arrives for greasing of cores of final valves.
The consumption of oil depends on viscosity of oil, its quality and conditions of driving of the car.
The consumption of oil increases at a high speed of the movement, at frequent dispersals and accelerations.
Oil consumption the new engine above as occurs extra earnings of pistons and rings to walls of cylinders.
Normal consumption of oil – no more than 1 l on 1000 km.
When checking level of oil keep in mind that because of oil fluidifying difficultly to determine true level.
For example, if on the car the repeating short trips and a consumption of oil in norm are made, after run of 1000 km and more on the probe will not be observed falling of level at all. It is connected with that oil is gradually diluted by fuel or moisture because of what the impression as if the oil consumption in general is absent is made.
If then the trip with a high speed is made, there is a strengthened evaporation of the components diluting oil, and the impression as if the consumption of oil is higher than norm is made.